JesseMeriwetherNunan JesseNunan Meriwether VermontArtist

14.5 in. x 18.5 in.

materials: paper, photographs, tacks, acrylic paint, poster board

This past semester, I continued to work on my AP portfolio, for AP Studio Art. In the AP curriculum, I followed a theme of my own choosing, and created works of art trying to answer the questions I asked while creating and defining the theme. The theme I chose was; Representing the idealisms of women and beauty standards. Through my work, I was also trying to answer questions pertaining to my sustained investigation such as; How can I incorporate words? How can color theory play a part in this? 

This piece is a poster of an old Maybelline makeup ad tacked to a photo of a river in Colorado. As part of my sustained investigation, this was the answer to the questions; How can I compare natural beauty to artificial beauty? What defines natural beauty? What defines artificial beauty?

2 Beauties